God is Pleasure: Rev. Beverly Dale
Many of us grew up thinking our bodies and sex were sinful. We were told not to trust them. The theology that accompanied that message was very authoritarian and we were made to feel not worthy. Where is Jesus in that message? Kara and Reverend Beverly Dale talk about a sex positive God and how God can be a God of pleasure.
Reverend Beverly Dale is a published writer, vocalist, and performer, in addition to being an ordained minister. Her ministry has taken her from being a pastor in a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) parish in Illinois for 6 years to 21 years of campus ministry at the University of Pennsylvania. She is presently the founder and chair of the Incarnation Institute for Sex & Faith, an educational non-profit that teaches an inclusive, science-friendly and sex-positive Christianity.
Her ministry has a very specific and unique focus: to help people of faith heal from the sexual wounding that occurs when they are taught to separate the spirit from the body, and also to provide tools for those who are developing a Christian theology that affirms the body and pleasure as God-given. She is the co-author of Advancing Sexual Health for the Christian Client: Data and Dogma.