Be the Benchmark: Erin Tarr
In this episode, Kara and Erin discuss the beauty of what happens when we are our own benchmark by not comparing ourselves to others, but instead learning how to encourage and lift one another up. Erin works with those who identify as girls to help them find their confidence in who they are and start to capitalize on that while they are young to help them through the confusing teen years. In their conversation you will hear how many parents seek out similar help after they realize they have been living in scarcity culture instead of abundance. We can all learn from this episode in how we can put to work learning how to treat ourselves kindly as well as those who surround us, by uplifting one another for the gifts we each possess.
Erin Tarr is a Confidence Coach for teen and tween girls with over 20 years of experience. She educates and coaches young girls while simultaneously helping their families navigate this important life stage.
A Central Illinois Business Magazine 40 Under 40 recipient and an in-demand facilitator and keynote speaker for schools, Erin’s effusive energy and passion for empowering young girls is contagious. She is a frequent podcast guest -- including Dr. King Speaks, Legendary Marriage, and Reframing Our Stories -- for her advice for youth (and all who work with youth). Her programs and messages have impacted thousands of girls in Illinois and around the world giving them the ability to overcome overwhelming and anxious thoughts so they can move through the world with confidence.
Erin is experienced speaking on topics concerning teens and tweens including success habits, mental health, social media usage, friendships, and family relationships. Erin lives in the middle of the cornfields in Illinois with her husband, Adam, and their own three FIERCE girls.
Learn more about Erin at and on Facebook