Posts tagged Teenagers
Be the Benchmark: Erin Tarr

In this episode, Kara and Erin discuss the beauty of what happens when we are our own benchmark by not comparing ourselves to others, but instead learning how to encourage and lift one another up. Erin works with those who identify as girls to help them find their confidence in who they are and start to capitalize on that while they are young to help them through the confusing teen years. In their conversation you will hear how many parents seek out similar help after they realize they have been living in scarcity culture instead of abundance. We can all learn from this episode in how we can put to work learning how to treat ourselves kindly as well as those who surround us, by uplifting one another for the gifts we each possess.

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An Eye for Underdogs: Mark Pickering

Kara catches up with her high school English and journalism teacher, Mark Pickering. After three decades of teaching, Mark recounts his experiences coming from the business world to teaching literature, writing and business. He advised the school newspaper for five years and coached both boys and girls golf for 23 seasons. They discuss how journalism provided an outlet for kids from diverse backgrounds to come together, express themselves, find their voice and be heard.

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